Thursday, 22 August 2013

Alfredo Moser: Pauper's Edison !!!!!!

Alfredo Moser , a brazilian mechanic has gained the fame of becoming the world country's Thomas alva Edison, bringing out a way of illuminating his house during the day without electricity - using nothing more than plastic bottles filled with water and a tiny bit of bleach. In the last two years his innovation has spread throughout the world. It is expected to be in one million homes by early next year.

So What is the working principle?  Simple refraction of sunlight, explains Moser, as he fills an empty two-litre plastic bottle."Add two capfuls of bleach to protect the water so it doesn't turn green [with algae]. The cleaner the bottle, the better," he adds. 

The amazing fact is that the light due to the Moser’s lamp inside the home is almost equivalent to that of a 40-60 watts bulb based on the intensity of sunlight outside the home. Also one can save a very decent amount by installing these bulbs in the roofs.

The invention was invented in the year 2002, it laid dormant for few years and the recent years the idea has gained  tremendous impact especially in the poor countries.

As per a report statement, In Philippines where a quarter of population lives below the poverty line, and electricity is usually very expensive, this idea of Moserlamp was fitted in around 1,40,000 homes and also analysts estimate that the installation may also take off in other 15 countries in the world like Bangladesh, Tanzania, and even India. 

Mozer being very genuine, when asked about his idea, he said,

"It's a divine light. God gave the sun to everyone, and light is for everyone. Whoever wants it saves money. You can't get an electric shock from it, and it doesn't cost a penny." In today's world, when men run behind money, fame and name, Much is to be learnt from this great man !!

Tuesday, 22 January 2013

Top 10 breakthroughs of year 2012

  •      CERN discovers Higgs-like bosonThe Higgs boson and its associated field explain how electroweak symmetry was broken just after the Big Bang to give certain elementary particles the property of mass.
  •   Spotting Majorana Fermions:  "Majorana fermions" are particles that are also their own antiparticles. Now, Leo Kouwenhoven and colleagues have spotted the first hints of Majorana fermions at the interface between a topological superconductor and a semiconductor.
  •  Time-reversal violation :Physicists have been waiting for almost 50 years for a direct observation of time-reversal (T) violation.  A first direct observation of time-reversal violation is made by measuring the rates at which the B0 meson changes quantum states."
  •  Galaxy-cluster motion : The motions of distant galaxy  lusters can tell us much about how the universe formed and also shed light on the mysterious dark matter and dark energy.  Now, Nick Hand and colleagues at ACT and BOSS have observed just that in another triumph of precision cosmology.
  •  Peering through opaque materials :Allard Mosk and colleagues have developed a new technique for seeing fluorescent objects behind opaque barriers. They have used a common effect called laser speckle to see micrometre-sized fluorescent objects through several millimetres of opaque material.
  •  Room-temperature maserA maser has been developed to operate a room temperature for the first time by Mark Oxborrow, Jonathan Breeze and Neil Alford,  .Masers are are extremely sensitive microwave detectors and could therefore be used in a wide range of telecommunications and imaging applications.
  • Wiping data will cost you energy : When an individual bit of data is erased, a tiny amount of heat is released and this has been        first measured by Antoine Bérut, Artak  rakelyan, Artyom Petrosyan and Sergio Ciliberto of Ecole Normale Supérieure de Lyon, Eric Lutz of the University of Augsburg and Raoul Dillenschneider of the University of Kaiserslautern.
  • Entangling twisted beams : Anton Zeilinger, Robert Fickler and colleagues at the University of Vienna have devised new technique for entangling photons using orbital angular momentum."
  •  Neutrino-based communication :    If you want to send a message across the universe – or to a submarine deep below the waves – then neutrinos could be your best bet. Your message would be guaranteed to get there because the subatomic particles can easily pass through 1000 light-years of lead without being affected. Physicists from the Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory and engineers from North Carolina State University and NASA Glenn Research Center led by Daniel Stancil from North Carolina State have demonstrated communications using neutrinos."
  •  Generating and storing energy in one step A new system has been created that converts kinetic energy into chemical energy in a single step has been created by Zhong Lin Wang and colleagues at the Georgia Institute of Technology.

Thursday, 4 October 2012

Vision and Mission of the Department

Vision and Mission of
 Department of Physics, Fatima college

Mission: Educate, Empower and Excel

Vision: To develop each student as
  • an embodiment of confidence, courage, conviction, vision and mission
  • a lover of science and nature and an expert in Physics
  • an eminent scientist to serve the mankind